国際交流?留学 International exchange and study abroad


受入留学生の体験記(2017年度 ドイツ?ハノーバー専科大学)


Dafina Malokuさん [留学期間:2017年10月 ~2018年3月]


● 広島はどんな街でしたか?日本に留学中にどんな体験をしましたか?
I really like Hiroshima! It is not too big, but also not too small and offers everything you need in my?opinion! Karaoke bars, izakayas, okonomiyaki / sushi restaurants, shopping, game stations, anime shops, etc.! As I don’t like too big and crowded cities, Hiroshima was perfect for me! Also I really liked the nearby Island Miyajima, and definetely want to come back one day!

●  広島市立大学ではどんな勉強をしましたか?授業を受けた感想を教えてください。
I studied ?Digital Media“ at the HCU. I liked that the professors were really patient with us although we didn’t speak Japanese all too well – they really tried to make us understand. So, don’t be afraid if your Japanese isn’t really good! Also the lectures gave us the opportunity to do what and how we wanted within a given theme (our theme was ?Life“),? so 2D/3D animation, stop motion etc. were all possible.

●  留学をした感想や、これから広島市立大学への留学を考えている学生にメッセージをお願いします。
Being in Japan was a really good experience for me, I learned a lot about the country and it was refreshing to see a whole other culture compared to european culture! If I could make any advise, it would be: Enjoy your stay as much as you can and take some time to travel through Japan, it has many really beautiful places that are worth a visit! Make some japanese friends, as it really improves your Japanese and you get to know and understand the culture and way of living even more!





